The great outdoors and laughter: two natural remedies serve as the best medicine if you ask Fôrt and Hōm Project Coordinator and Colorado-native Hillary Wolff.

Nature became near and dear to Hillary at a young age having grown up in Golden, the second oldest of four children. In college, her love of the outdoors would translate into her studies: biology and chemistry.
Her background lends her to the scientific world, real estate’s endless opportunities have built a place in her heart, particularly when it comes to breathing life back into dilapidated and historic homes. “Getting to be creative and solve problems that help properties come back to life is a passion,” notes Hillary. “And the cherry on top is knowing that we have given someone a place to call home.”
With her role at Fôrt and Hōm, Hillary is responsible for the outreach and coordination of vendor bids. This entails researching local vendors, calling to inquire on services, coordinating property walkthroughs, obtaining bids and processing internal documents.
In her free time, Hillary, known to her niece as “Tata” (Norwegian for aunt), enjoys long distance running, hiking, The Red Hot Chili Peppers and spending time in the mountains. Her choice when asked if she could only have one meal forever? "Does ice cream count as a meal? I choose Rocky Road for breakfast, lunch and dinner."

Hillary in her element. Eastern Sierra, John Muir Wilderness.
Being a part of the Fôrt and Hōm team means Hillary is a part of the on-going changes of a project, both literally and metaphorically— just like nature changing as summer fades to fall, revealing her favorite color: the beautiful, golden yellow of Tamarack needles.